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Financial Advice Provider Disclosure Statement

(Effective from 17th December 2024)

Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited (“BOCNZ”) is a Financial Advice Provider (‘FAP’) and holds a FAP licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority (‘FMA’) in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (‘FMCA’) to provide financial advice to retail customers in New Zealand. Our Financial Service Provider Registration number is FSP409486. BOCNZ is also a member of the New Zealand Bankers Association and follows the Code of Banking Practice.

As a FAP licence holder, we provide financial advice services through our employees who are Financial Advisers (‘FAs’) under the FMCA. This FAP Disclosure Statement is important because it provides information about the financial advice services that BOCNZ and our Financial Advisers provide to our customers. It should help you decide whether to use our advisers and whether to follow their financial advice.

BOCNZ is a Registered Bank in New Zealand:

BOCNZ carries on business as a bank and is registered as a bank by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand under the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act. We are 100% owned by the Bank of China Limited (BOC), an international financial services organisation offering a large range of financial products and services.

How BOCNZ Regulated for Financial Advice:

We are licensed and regulated by the Financial Markets Authority for the financial adviser services we provide. You can check our status as a Financial Advice Provider at any time on the Register of Financial Service Providers at

You can also obtain information about financial advisers in general, or report information about us or our financial advisers, by contacting the Financial Markets Authority at:

Address:PO Box 1179, Wellington 6140

Complaints:0800 434 566


Overseas callers:00 64 3 962 2698

Conditions of our FAP licence:

Under the FAP licence, we may provide financial advice services to you through a Financial Adviser employed by BOCNZ. The full Conditions for are available at FMA Standard Conditions for financial advice providers; you can also find the current version of Standard Conditions on the FMA’s website

Nature and scope of advice:

The financial advice services BOCNZ can provide on financial advice products includes:

  • BOCNZ bank deposits (Current/Savings and Term Deposits);
  • Home loans (owner occupied and investor);
  • Remittances and foreign exchange services

For home loans our advice is limited to the loan product type only. We will not provide advice on the loan amount, rate or term. The one exception to this, is terms for affordability reasons during times of financial hardship we may provide advice on loan term extensions and repayments.

For term deposits our advice is limited to recommending that type of product only. We do not provide advice on term deposit maturity periods. For example, we might recommend that you set up a term deposit, but will not provide advice on the maturity period for that deposit.

Fees and other charges:

We do not charge our customers for financial advice services. Our advisers are paid a salary and do not receive any incentive or bonus related to the advice they provide. However, please note that:

  • If you do choose any of the products we recommend, you may be charged certain fees (for example, product fees, application fees, transaction fees, interest charges etc.) when, or after, you have the product, these fees will be disclosed to you.


BOCNZ may receive a commission from insurance providers whose policies our customers choose to take up. BOCNZ Financial Advisers are not personally paid a commission or incentivised for providing financial advice services on financial products.

BOCNZ duties:

BOCNZ, and its Financial Advisers who providing advice on behalf of BOCNZ, are bound by law to:

  • have sufficient competence, knowledge, and skill to advise you;
  • act in your interests based on the agreed nature and scope of our advice to you;
  • exercise care, diligence, and skill when advising you;
  • meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.

Conflicts of Interest:

Generally, BOCNZ and our staff who provide regulated financial advice on our behalf, only provide financial advice on BOCNZ’s products and services. BOCNZ also has a Code of Conduct which all our Financial Advisers must comply with to ensure we prioritise your interests above our own.

Resolving a Complaint or Problem:

Our goal is to provide you with the highest levels of quality service and support at all times. But if you do have a complaint or a problem with our products or services, please let us know as soon as you can so that we can help you and try to resolve your complaint or problem. Your feedback also helps us continue to improve our products and services. We are committed to helping you as quickly and fairly as possible. Full details of our complaint’s procedure is available from our offices or online at

We have a well-established effective escalation process, meaning we will work with you to address your concern as quickly as possible, whilst still providing you options to take the matter further if you are unhappy with the outcome.

  • Firstly, you may directly contact the staff member who provided you with the product or service;


  • You may visit our offices at Level 19, 66 Wyndham Street, Auckland CBD, New Zealand,
  • Alternatively, you may call us on 09 980 9000 or 0800 695 566.

If the problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you may:

  • Contact our Chief Compliance Officer on 09 980 9022; or
  • Fill in the Customer Feedback Form available from our offices.
  • Our Chief Compliance Officer will then work with you to resolve the matter.

Banking Ombudsman Dispute Resolution Scheme:

BOCNZ is a member of the Banking Ombudsman Dispute Resolution Scheme which is a free independent dispute resolution service under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008. If you are not satisfied with the resolution suggested by our Chief Compliance Officer, you can request a free review from the Office of the Banking Ombudsman. You can find out more about the Banking Ombudsman by picking up a copy of the Banking Ombudsman brochure at our offices or online at If you need to contact the Banking Ombudsman, here are their details:

Postal address: Freepost 218002, PO Box 25327,Wellington 6140

Physical address: Level 5, Huddart Parker Building, 1 Post Office Square, Wellington, 6011

Telephone:0800 805 950 or (04) 915 0400

How to Contact Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited:

We are located at Level 19, 66 Wyndham Street, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

Telephone:09 980 9000 or 0800 695 566

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