For your own interest, please be extra careful when you receive unsolicited emails, letters, SMSes, phone calls, online chats or all other forms of communication asking you to provide confidential or personal information. Under no circumstances should you give personal information including credit card or banking details to third parties via email, letter, SMS or phone.
1. Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch does not send out official emails from personal email accounts such as Hotmail, Gmail or other unfamiliar email domains. Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch replies are usually signed off with an officer’s name, designation and contact information. Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch also does not send out confidential documents through unsecured emails.
2. Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch will not send emails to you to request for your expression of interest in any of the Bank’s financial products from personal email accounts.
3. Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch will not ask you to provide your confidential personal details through emails.
How to report a scam
Anyone who has received a suspicious email, letter, SMS or phone call purportedly from Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch should immediately contact us at
Do not respond to them or click on any hyperlink in the email.
In case of suspicious phone calls, you should request for the caller’s full name, telephone number and department and validate this through our customer service hotline at 1800 66 95566 (in Singapore) or +65 677 95566 (from overseas).
If you suspect that you have responded to a phishing email scam with personal or financial information, you are advised not to respond further and:
- Lodge a police report
- Change the passwords or PINs on all your online accounts; and
- Contact the bank to stop any transactions
Be alert to online scam.
If you wish to have more information on prevention of online scams, please visit CAD website: