QS 1: Am I able to view my joint account information via BOC Internet Banking?
ANS: Yes and No.
Yes only if customer separately has a single account (be it Savings, Current, Time Deposits or Loans account).
No if customer solely has a joint account with the Bank.
QS 2: Why can't I view my joint account information via BOC Internet Banking?
ANS: At present, BOC Internet Banking only supports single account holder information. For single account holder who also has a joint account, he would be able to view both his single and joint account information.
The Bank is revamping our system to better meet customers' needs and once new system is ready after June 2013, all BOC customers would be able to view their accounts (single and/or joint) online.
Interim whilst we are upgrading our system, we seek customers' understanding in the inconvenience caused.
Alternatively, you could opt to open a single account with the Bank and this would allow you to link your joint account information hence enabling you to view both your single and joint account information online.
QS 3: Could I apply for an Internet Banking for Joint Account?
ANS: The Bank is revamping our system to better meet customers' needs and once new system is ready, all BOC customers would be able to view their accounts (single and/or joint) online.
Interim whilst we are upgrading our system, we seek customers' understanding in the inconvenience caused.
Alternatively, customers could opt to open a single account with the Bank and this would allow him to link his joint account information hence he is able to view both his single and joint account information online. BOC Singapore has periodic attractive promotions and customers could refer to www.bankofchina.com/sg for more information.
Qs4: Could customer apply for an Internet Banking for Joint Account?
Ans: Customers could apply for Internet Banking for their Joint Account.
However, prior to system upgrading, if customers only has a Joint Account, he would not be able to view the joint account information online. Only for customers with a personal (single name) account, would BOC be able to link up the Joint Account.
For customers who solely has joint account, we suggest customers to apply for Telebanking interim to check on their year-to-date balance.