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   BOC Singapore >> Personal Banking >> Deposits

BOC SuperSaver (Effective 1 August 2024)


Product Name

BOC SuperSaver

Product Introduction

BOC SuperSaver is a deposit savings plan for BOC Singapore (The“bank”) Current Account holders to earn 3.60% promotion interest on their account balance. To meet the eligibility criteria, you need to be a Singapore citizen, Permanent Resident or Foreigner with valid pass (Employment Pass/ S Pass/ Student Pass/ Long Term Visit Pass/Dependent Pass), aged 21years and above to apply for a SGD Current Account online and link the account with PayNow.

Product Interest Rate

Account Balance Interest Rate (p.a.)
First S$20,000 1.50%
Next S$40,000 2.20%
Next S$40,000 3.60%
Above S$100,000 1.20%

Product Interest Calculation

Account balance refers to the Average Account Balance, which is calculated on a monthly basis as the summation of each day-end Account Balance for a month divided by the number of calendar days in that month.

For Example: Based on a BOC SuperSaver (the bank’s SGD Current Account) with an account balance of S$100,000 in January, the bonus interest earned for the month is calculated as follows:

[(S$20,000*1.50%)*(31/365)]+[(S$40,000*2.20%) *(31/365)]+[(S$40,000*3.60%)*(31/365)]= S$222.52

Product Features

1. Easy and fast account opening process

Open an account online or via the bank’s Mobile Banking app without the need to visit a branch.

2. Simple eligibility criteria

Link the account to PayNow using your mobile number, deposit and maintain a minimum average account balance of S$3,000 in this account to qualify for the bonus interest.

3. Flexibility on your funds

Utilise the funds in your account with no restrictions and withdraw your funds any time with no lock-in period.

Application Processes

1. Click or open the bank’s Mobile Banking app and tap on “Accounts via MyInfo ” from the Home page.

2. Select “BOC SuperSaver Account” and tap on “Apply Now” to submit your application for a SGD Current Account.

3. Upon successful application, you will be notified of your new SGD Current Account number via post to your registered mailing address.

4. Link your account to PayNow. Open the bank’s Mobile Banking App. On the Home page, tap on “Manage PayNow”, select “Registration under Mobile Number” and choose your SGD Current Account to be linked.

5. Transfer a minimum deposit of S$3,000 from any other bank account with us or another bank into your SGD Current Account using any channel, including but not limited to PayNow, FAST (Fast and Secure Transfers), or GIRO, etc.

Application Details

1.Bonus interest rates are not applicable to the balance in the bank’s SGD Current Account that is earmarked for other promotions or other purposes.

2.Interest rates shown are based on annual rates and are applicable for SGD deposits.

3.Minimum initial deposit : S$200

Account service charge: S$7.50 (If monthly average balance falls below S$200)

4.A minimum monthly average account balance of S$3,000 is required to receive bonus interests.

5.The maximum threshold limit on which bonus interest will be calculated is S$5,000,000.

6.These rates are indicative and subject to change without prior notice.

Terms and Conditions

Deposit Insurance Scheme:Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured. Please visit for full details.

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